PKI for Automation Technology

Campus Schwarzwald

Together with Campus Schwarzwald and Keyfactor, we are organizing the event "PKI for Automation Technology".

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for Automation Technology provides practical, up-to-date and relevant content for component manufacturers, machine builders and system integrators on PKI applications, digital identities, software signatures and more.

Campus Schwarzwald is the center for teaching, research and technology transfer in mechanical engineering and the manufacturing industry with the topics of digitalization, leadership and sustainability. The initiative of regional companies, the region and the University of Stuttgart has created an important building block for excellent academic education and the development of the latest technologies in the field of digitalization in mechanical engineering with Campus Schwarzwald.

The event "PKI for Automation Technology" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the Trustpoint research project.

On September 18, starting at 6:30 pm, a dinner will be held at "Friedrichs am Kienberg" and on September 19, several keynotes and workshops will take place. Among others, our colleague Mr. Michael Jahnich will hold a workshop on "Public key infrastructures for distributed production areas". Other keynote speakers such as Dr. Lutz Jänicke, PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG, will also be on site.

You can find out more and register for free here!