TLS website check according to BSI requirements

TLS Checklist Portal User

Check website configuration - quickly and easily according to the BSI checklist

achelos provides a complimentary website security check through the TLS Check web portal. The achelos TLS Checklist Portal is included in the TLS Checklist for Service Providers of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The TLS checklist aligns with guidelines and recommendations outlined in the Technical Guideline BSI TR-03116-4, assisting service providers in configuring the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. 

achelos provides a complimentary online security check of websites via the TLS Checklist Portal. This web portal is designed to help businesses of all sizes and industries demonstrate a secure TLS network connection in line with the BSI checklist requirements.

The TLS Checklist Portal by achelos is the market-leading solution for easily demonstrating compliance with the BSI standard. Within approximately 90 seconds of inputting their domain, service providers can ascertain whether their website aligns with the specifications of the BSI checklist as per TR-03116-4.

The test result in the web portal pinpoints vulnerabilities and establishes a direct link with the stipulations outlined in the BSI checklist. The audit encompasses factors such as the proper configuration of certificates, cipher suites, protocols and algorithms.

In today’s landscape, maintaining a secure digital presence for your company is essential. Not only does it signal reliability to your customers, but it also protects your corporate data.

The TLS test result is presented visually on screen, instantly accessible and completely free. For interested parties, further details and comprehensive reports are available upon request for a fee.

TLS Checklist Portal

Any questions? Your contact person for queries in this field is:

Holger Volke

Technical Director +49 5251 14212-302

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